Non-Participating Groups: A Cross-Browser Mess

Cross-browser issues surrounding the handling of regular expression non-participating capturing groups (which I'll call NPCGs) present several challenges. The standard sucks to begin with, and the three biggest browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) each disrespect the rules in their own unique ways.

First, I should explain what NPCGs are, as it seems that even some experienced regex users aren't fully aware of or understand the concept. Assuming you're already familiar with the idea of capturing and non-capturing parentheses (see this page if you need a refresher), note that NPCGs are different from groups which capture a zero-length value (i.e., an empty string). This is probably easiest to explain by showing some examples…

The following regexes all potentially contain NPCGs (depending on the data they are run over), because the capturing groups are not required to participate:

  • /(x)?/
  • /(x)*/
  • /(x){0,2}/
  • /(x)|(y)/ — If this matches, it's guaranteed to contain exactly one NPCG.
  • /(?!(x))/ — If this matches (which, on its own, it will at least at the end of the string), it's guaranteed to contain an NPCG, because the pattern only succeeds if the match of "x" fails.
  • /()??/ — This is guaranteed to match within any string and contain an NPCG, because of the use of a lazy ?? quantifier on a capturing group for a zero-length value.

On the other hand, these will never contain an NPCG, because although they are allowed to match a zero-length value, the capturing groups are required to participate:

  • /(x?)/
  • /(x*)/
  • /(x{0,2})/
  • /((?:xx)?)/ –or– /(xx|)/ — These two are equivalent.
  • /()?/ –or– /(x?)?/ — These are not required to participate, but their greedy ? quantifiers ensure they will always succeed at capturing at least an empty string.

So, what's the difference between an NPCG and a group which captures an empty string? I guess that's up to the regex library, but typically, backreferences to NPCGs are assigned a special null or undefined value.

Following are the ECMA-262v3 rules (paraphrased) for how NPCGs should be handled in JavaScript:

  • Within a regex, backreferences to NPCGs match an empty string (i.e., the backreferences always succeed). This is unfortunate, since it prevents some fancy patterns which would otherwise be possible (e.g., see my method for mimicking conditionals), and it's atypical compared to many other regular expression engines including Perl 5 (which ECMA-standard regular expressions are supposedly based on), PCRE, .NET, Java, Python, Ruby, JGsoft, and others.
  • Within a replacement string, backreferences to NPCGs produce an empty string (i.e., nothing). Unlike the previous point, this is typical elsewhere, and allows you to use a regex like /a(b)|c(d)/ and replace it with "$1$2" without having to worry about null pointers or errors about non-participating groups.
  • In the result arrays from RegExp.prototype.exec, String.prototype.match (when used with a non-global regex), String.prototype.split, and the arguments available to callback functions with String.prototype.replace, NPCGs return undefined. This is a very logical approach.

References: ECMA-262v3 sectons,,,,,

Unfortunately, actual browser handling of NPCGs is all over the place, resulting in numerous cross-browser differences which can easily result in subtle (or not so subtle) bugs in your code if you don't know what you're doing. E.g., Firefox incorrectly uses an empty string with the replace() and split() methods, but correctly uses undefined with the exec() method. Conversely, IE correctly uses undefined with the replace() method, incorrectly uses an empty string with the exec() method, and incorrectly returns neither with the split() method since it doesn't splice backreferences into the resulting array. As for the handling of backreferences to non-participating groups within regexes (e.g., /(x)?\1y/.test("y")), Safari uses the more sensible, non-ECMA-compliant approach (returning false for the previous bit of code), while IE, Firefox, and Opera follow the standard. (If you use /(x?)\1y/.test("y") instead, all four browsers will correctly return true.)

Several times I've seen people encounter these differences and diagnose them incorrectly, not having understood the root cause. A recent instance is what prompted this writeup.

Here are cross-browser results from each of the regex and regex-using methods when NPCGs have an impact on the outcome:

Code ECMA-262v3 IE 5.5 – 7 Firefox Opera 9.23 Safari 3.0.3
/(x)?\1y/.test("y") true true true true false
/(x)?\1y/.exec("y") ["y", undefined] ["y", ""] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined] null
/(x)?y/.exec("y") ["y", undefined] ["y", ""] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined]
"y".match(/(x)?\1y/) ["y", undefined] ["y", ""] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined] null
"y".match(/(x)?y/) ["y", undefined] ["y", ""] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined] ["y", undefined]
"y".match(/(x)?\1y/g) ["y"] ["y"] ["y"] ["y"] null
"y".split(/(x)?\1y/) ["", undefined, ""] [ ] ["", "", ""] ["", undefined, ""] ["y"]
"y".split(/(x)?y/) ["", undefined, ""] [ ] ["", "", ""] ["", undefined, ""] ["", ""]
"y".search(/(x)?\1y/) 0 0 0 0 -1
"y".replace(/(x)?\1y/, "z") "z" "z" "z" "z" "y"
"y".replace(/(x)?y/, "$1") "" "" "" "" ""
    function($0, $1){
        return String($1);
"undefined" "undefined" "" "undefined" "y"
    function($0, $1){
        return String($1);
"undefined" "undefined" "" "undefined" ""
    function($0, $1){
        return $1;
"undefined" "" "" "undefined" ""

(Run the tests in your browser.)

The workaround for this mess is to avoid creating any potential for non-participating capturing groups, unless you know exactly what you're doing. Although that shouldn't be necessary, NPCGs are usually easy to avoid anyway. See the examples near the top of this post.

Edit (2007-08-16): I've updated this post with data from the newest versions of the listed browsers. The original data contained a few false negatives for Opera and Safari which resulted from a faulty library used to generate the results.

Safari Support with XRegExp 0.2.2

When I released XRegExp 0.2 several days ago, I hadn't yet tested in Safari or Swift. When I remembered to do this shortly afterwards, I found that both of those WebKit-based browsers didn't like it and often crashed when trying to use it! This was obviously a Very Bad Thing, but due to major time availability issues I wasn't able to get around to in-depth bug-shooting and testing until tonight.

It turns out that Safari's regex engine contains a bug which causes an error to be thrown when compiling a regex containing a character class ending with "[\\".

// These throw an error:
[ /[[\\]/ , /[^[\\]/ , /[abc[\\]/ ]

// ...While these are all fine:
[ /[\\[]/ , /[\[\\]/ , /[[]/ , /[\\]/ , /[[\\abc]/ , /[[\/]/ , /[[(\\]/ ]

// Testing:
try {
} catch (err) {
	/* Safari shows:
	"SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: missing terminating ] for
	character class" */

As a result, I've changed two instances of [^[\\] to [^\\[] and upped the version number to 0.2.2. XRegExp has now been tested and works without any known issues in all of the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 5.5 – 7
  • Firefox
  • Opera 9.21
  • Safari 3.0.2 beta for Windows
  • Swift 0.2

You can get the newest version here.

XRegExp 0.2: Now With Named Capture

Update: This version of XRegExp is outdated. See for the latest, greatest version.

JavaScript's regular expression flavor doesn't support named capture. Well, says who? XRegExp 0.2 brings named capture support, along with several other new features. But first of all, if you haven't seen the previous version, make sure to check out my post on XRegExp 0.1, because not all of the documentation is repeated below.


  • Comprehensive named capture support (New)
  • Supports regex literals through the addFlags method (New)
  • Free-spacing and comments mode (x)
  • Dot matches all mode (s)
  • Several other minor improvements over v0.1

Named capture

There are several different syntaxes in the wild for named capture. I've compiled the following table based on my understanding of the regex support of the libraries in question. XRegExp's syntax is included at the top.

Library Capture Backreference In replacement Stored at
XRegExp (<name>…) \k<name> ${name}
.NET (?<name>…)
${name} Matcher.Groups('name')
Perl 5.10 (beta) (?<name>…)
$+{name} $+{name}
Python (?P<name>…) (?P=name) \g<name>'name')
PHP preg (PCRE 7) (.NET, Perl, and Python styles) $regs['name'] $result['name']

No other major regex library currently supports named capture, although the JGsoft engine (used by products like RegexBuddy) supports both .NET and Python syntax. XRegExp does not use a question mark at the beginning of a named capturing group because that would prevent it from being used in regex literals (JavaScript would immediately throw an "invalid quantifier" error).

XRegExp supports named capture on an on-request basis. You can add named capture support to any regex though the use of the new "k" flag. This is done for compatibility reasons and to ensure that regex compilation time remains as fast as possible in all situations.

Following are several examples of using named capture:

// Add named capture support using the XRegExp constructor
var repeatedWords = new XRegExp("\\b (<word> \\w+ ) \\s+ \\k<word> \\b", "gixk");

// Add named capture support using RegExp, after overriding the native constructor
var repeatedWords = new RegExp("\\b (<word> \\w+ ) \\s+ \\k<word> \\b", "gixk");

// Add named capture support to a regex literal
var repeatedWords = /\b (<word> \w+ ) \s+ \k<word> \b/.addFlags("gixk");

var data = "The the test data.";

// Check if data contains repeated words
var hasDuplicates = repeatedWords.test(data);
// hasDuplicates: true

// Use the regex to remove repeated words
var output = data.replace(repeatedWords, "${word}");
// output: "The test data."

In the above code, I've also used the x flag provided by XRegExp, to improve readability. Note that the addFlags method can be called multiple times on the same regex (e.g., /pattern/g.addFlags("k").addFlags("s")), but I'd recommend adding all flags in one shot, for efficiency.

Here are a few more examples of using named capture, with an overly simplistic URL-matching regex (for comprehensive URL parsing, see parseUri):

var url = "";
var urlParser = new XRegExp("^(<protocol>[^:/?]+)://(<host>[^/?]*)(<path>[^?]*)\\?(<query>.*)", "k");
var parts = urlParser.exec(url);
/* The result:
parts.protocol: "http" ""
parts.path: "/path/to/file"
parts.query: "q=1" */

// Named backreferences are also available in replace() callback functions as properties of the first argument
var newUrl = url.replace(urlParser, function(match){
	return match.replace(, "");
// newUrl: ""

Note that XRegExp's named capture functionality does not support deprecated JavaScript features including the lastMatch property of the global RegExp object and the RegExp.prototype.compile() method.

Singleline (s) and extended (x) modes

The other non-native flags XRegExp supports are s (singleline) for "dot matches all" mode, and x (extended) for "free-spacing and comments" mode. For full details about these modifiers, see the FAQ in my XRegExp 0.1 post. However, one difference from the previous version is that XRegExp 0.2, when using the x flag, now allows whitespace between a regex token and its quantifier (quantifiers are, e.g., +, *?, or {1,3}). Although the previous version's handling/limitation in this regard was documented, it was atypical compared to other regex libraries. This has been fixed.


XRegExp 0.2.5.

XRegExp has been tested in IE 5.5–7, Firefox, Opera 9.21, Safari 3.0.2 beta for Windows, and Swift 0.2.

Finally, note that the XRE object from v0.1 has been removed. XRegExp now only creates one global variable: XRegExp. To permanently override the native RegExp constructor/object, you can now run XRegExp.overrideNative();

Update: This version of XRegExp is outdated. See for the latest, greatest version.