- Description: A JavaScript library that provides augmented, extensible, cross-browser regular expressions, and includes support for additional flags, syntax, and methods.
- Latest version: 3.0.0
- Website: xregexp.com
- GitHub: git.io/xregexp
- License: MIT
- Posts:
- XRegExp 3.0.0!
- JavaScript Regex Lookbehind Redux
- Creating Grammatical Regexes Using XRegExp.build
- XRegExp Updates
- XRegExp 1.0
- Unicode Plugin for XRegExp
- Test Your XRegExps with JRX
- XRegExp 0.5 Released!
- Safari Support with XRegExp 0.2.2
- XRegExp 0.2: Now With Named Capture
- XRegExp: An Extended JavaScript Regex Constructor
- Description: Simple but powerful JavaScript regex tester with real-time regex syntax and match highlighting.
- Latest version: 0.1.4
- Website: RegexPal: JavaScript regex tester
- License: Any of CC BY-SA 3, MPL 2, or LGPL 3
- Posts:
- Description: Lightweight function which splits any well-formed URI into its parts, all of which are optional.
- Latest version: 1.2.2 (JavaScript), 0.2 (ColdFusion)
- Download: parseuri.js
- License: MIT
- Posts:
Date Format
- Description: Robust, lightweight, and easy to use JavaScript date and time formatter.
- Latest version: 1.2.3
- Download: date.format.js
- License: MIT
- Posts:
Regex Colorizer
- Description: Regular expression syntax highlighter that handles all valid JavaScript regex syntax and errors.
- Latest version: 0.2
- Website: Regex Colorizer
- GitHub: slevithan/regex-colorizer
- License: MIT
- Posts:
- JavaScript
- makeChange: Code Challenge: Change Dispenser
- multiReplace: Multiple String Replacement Sugar
- romanize: JavaScript Roman Numeral Converter
- memoize: Timed Memoization
- validatePassword: JavaScript Password Validator
- matchRecursiveRegExp: Matching Nested Constructs in JavaScript, Part 2
- matchRecursive: Matching Nested Constructs in JavaScript
- mul: JavaScript String Multiplication Performance Exploration
- getLeadingHtml: Automatic HTML Summary / Teaser
- replaceHtml: When innerHTML isn't Fast Enough
- split: JavaScript split Bugs: Fixed!
- lookbehind: Mimicking Lookbehind in JavaScript
- commafy: Commafying Numbers
- trim: Faster JavaScript Trim
- ColdFusion
- URI UDFs: More URI-Related UDFs
- reMatch: REMatch (ColdFusion)
- 1337: 1337 (Leet) Translator
Much more code is mixed into other pages throughout the site. See the list of all posts.