I'm Steven Levithan, a web development all-rounder with an unhealthy love of regular expressions and JavaScript, which are the main topics of this blog. I've also got a new blog called Lifecurious that covers everything except programming.
If programming books are your thing, you might be interested in Regular Expressions Cookbook, which I coauthored with Jan Goyvaerts. I also wrote the Strings and Regular Expressions chapter for High Performance JavaScript.
I've released several open source JavaScript projects including XRegExp and RegexPal, which are kind of nifty.
You can reach me at steves_list <@> hotmail.com, tweet me @slevithan, or follow me on GitHub.
- Regular Expressions Cookbook, 2nd Edition
- High Performance JavaScript
- Regular Expressions Cookbook
- Regular Expressions Cookbook (English)
- Регулярные выражения Сборник рецептов (Russian)
- Reguläre Ausdrücke Kochbuch (German)
- 正規表現クックブック (Japanese)
- Regulární výrazy Kuchařka programátora (Czech)
- 正则表达式经典实例 (Simplified Chinese)
- 한 권으로 끝내는 정규표현식 (Korean)
- Expressões Regulares Cookbook (Brazilian Portuguese)